
Cream by The Roast Thing | Soft Launch Cafe


   My holiday has been going on for about 4 months plus. I've been occupying myself with travelling, gallivanting, rotting at home and working part time at a local cafe. After my tiring working hours, one of the few things i enjoy the most is to visit a chilly cafe and have a good cup of drink while resting my old and worn out body. Today i'm going to write about these 2 cafes that i visited not long ago which are also local social medias favourite. They are Cream by The Roast Things and Soft Launch Cafe.

Cream by The Roast Things

   I've been noticing Cream for quite a well on Instagram, mainly because of its minimalistic white cafe interior and some good coffee that have taken over the social media platforms like a tornado. Therefore, i have to visit this cafe to experience it myself. Located in the village of business, offices and commercial outlets, Cream is always busy with office workers, business talks and sometimes hipster youngsters that crave for a good Instagram photo. Their menu selection is quite simple, consisting of only coffee variants and simple sandwiches along with cakes and pastries. We ordered two cups of milk coffee. Sadly, the cakes of the day did not manage to attract our taste buds. 

Milk Coffee--RM 10 each

   The coffee we had was more towards a Latte consistency. The coffee body was incredibly fruity, sour and mildly roasted. It lacked of the bitterness and nuttiness that i prefer in a good cup of coffee. However, the smooth milk and sweetness from the froth saved the drink from becoming a bad one. Drinks aside, Cream has proven its value of being Instagram-worthy, beautifully white and perfect for a mini photoshoot session with your friends. Here are some of our impromptu takes for the day with cousie Caryn.

More Information~
Address: A-G-01, Prima Avenue, The Tube, Jalan PJU 1/39, Dataran Prima, Petaling Jaya

Soft Launch Cafe

    Soft Launch Cafe is one of the many coffee houses in Sri Petaling. It gained its popularity mostly from its good looking waffles and pasta dishes on social media. Mr. J and i went there for a quick dessert after dinner to check out the latest hype. 

    It was a random weekday night, around 8pm, but the cafe was already packed with customers. We had to wait for a table and waited long enough for our order to be delivered. Soft Launch Cafe has a simple menu, consisting of a few savoury and sweet waffles, soft serve and pasta dishes, along with simple beverages. We ordered a Strawberry Waffle with a glass of refreshing Iced Lemonade.

Iced Lemonade
Strawberry Waffle--RM 19
My view of the night.
   I get what's the hype about this good looking strawberry waffle. It looks huge, full of finely whipped cream and strawberry slices. However, that's all about it. Waffle's texture was alright, slightly crispy on the outside, soft on the inside. The amount of cream was too much to handle and strawberry slices were sour. Even the sugary syrup did not save the dish from going OVERPRICED. Lemonade was just ordinary, with lemon essence and soda, with a few lemon slices. It did not yell lemon and was way too overpriced as well.

   Overall, Soft Launch Cafe has plenty of room for improvement. I am looking forward to more variety in their menu, perhaps a more wallet-friendly pricing. Other than that, service was great, interior was totally chill and comfortable. That's all for today's write up. Have an incredible long weekend Malaysians!

More Information~
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Soft-Launch-Cafe-1694363934112750/
Address: 101-1, Jalan Radin Bagus, Sri Petaling.

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